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Musings on weapon design for an FPS game. Part 1 "Choosing a weapon system"

Triptych is a narrative-driven FPS game, inspired by Half Life, Bioshock series, as well as classic shooters like Quake 2 and Heretic. I still remember first installing Heretic and being in awe when I got one of the early weapons - Gauntlets of Necromancy. Hitting enemies with green lightning from my hands just felt awesome, and something I had never experienced before. It felt powerful, even if the weapon itself wasn't - you'd need to upgrade to move forward in the game. I fully understand that a good plot is not enough for a shooter game to be good. Triptych needs its shooting mechanics to be awesome too. Thus, I embarked on a quest to create an enjoyable shooting mechanic for the game. I used my own experience as a gamer, feedback from fellow gamers, reviews by critics like TotalBiscuit and several GDC talks and publications for the sake of this research, as well as other sources. Mind it, everything in this dev diary is work in progress and a subject to change base...

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